Many people have no problems getting to the bathroom on time. However, it’s not such an easy feat for some elderly people. Some senior citizens suffer from urinary incontinence, so they may leak urine before they reach the bathroom. This can be very frustrating and embarrassing for them. If you have an elderly parent who suffers from urinary incontinence, there are a few ways you can help manage it.
Schedule Bathroom Breaks
If your parent has urinary incontinence, it’s a good idea to have scheduled bathrooms breaks. That way, he or she will have time to get to the toilet before it’s too late. For example, you could have your parent go to the bathroom every two hours. Consider putting reminders on a smartphone or tablet so that your parent never forgets.
Protect Furniture
Even if you take the proper precautions, there may be times when your parent has accidents. That’s why you should take the time to protect the couch and other furniture in the house. Urine stains are difficult to remove and you don’t want to worry about cleaning them all the time. For example, you can place seat protectors or sofa covers over your furniture.
Make It Easier to Get to the Bathroom
Someone with urinary incontinence does not have all day to get to the bathroom. That’s why you want to cut as many obstacles as possible for your parent. For example, make sure the hallways are clear of clutter. Items scattered on the floors don’t just make it take longer to get to the bathroom; they’re also a tripping hazard.
Provide Comfort
Many elderly people with incontinence issues become embarrassed after they have an accident. If your parent has an accident, it is important to comfort him or her as much as possible and provide encouraging words. For example, you could say, “This happens to many people and it is nothing to feel ashamed about.”
Purchase Incontinence Supplies
It’s a good idea to purchase your parent incontinence supplies to make his or her life easier. If you parent is still mobile and has light incontinence, a pad might suffice. However, if your parent’s incontinence is more severe, adult diapers might be the way to go.
Get Professional Help
If you are unable to watch over your parent with incontinence all the time, you should think about hiring professional help. A home care nurse can come to your parent’s home and tend to all his or her needs. In addition to helping your parent get to the bathroom on time, a home nurse can administer medications and monitor symptoms of certain health conditions. You will have a peace of mind knowing someone responsible and experienced is looking after your loved one.
If you follow these tips, you can help your parent live with incontinence and generally feel better. If you need additional help, you should consider hiring an in home nurse.