Choosing to put your loved one in a nursing home is a gut-wrenching decision that many times results in heartache. When your loved one is injured by someone at the facility or from the facility’s negligence, you are heartbroken. 

Remember, it’s not your fault. But what happens next is important. You need to hold the negligent party accountable and ensure your loved one gets better. 

Signs to Look Out For

When your loved one is in a nursing home and you suspect abuse, there are certain signs you can look out for that will help you determine if your loved one is being abused.

  • Cuts
  • Bruises
  • Infections
  • Open wounds
  • Poor hygiene
  • Dirty clothing
  • Weight change
  • Emotional withdrawal
  • Change in behavior
  • Unexplained financial transactions

These aren’t the only signs that abuse is occurring but they are common signs you need to be aware of. You are the advocate your loved one needs when you spot warning signs. But who helps then?

Steps to Take

If you suspect nursing home abuse of your loved one, take these steps:

  1. Record their Injuries – Take pictures and recordings of their injuries so you can refer to them later to see if they are improving or getting worse
  2. Keep detailed documentation – Visit your loved one often and keep detailed records of who comes and goes from their room and how their injuries look
  3. File a report – Filing a report with the facility will help to document your concerns and make sure the facility takes swift action
  4. Contact us – We are experienced nursing home abuse attorneys who are compassionate and understanding of your situation while aggressively going after the party who has caused harm to your loved one

Compassionate and Experienced Help for You

What you’re looking for right now is help. And an attorney has the experience to provide it for you and your loved one. They have helped many clients just like you. 

Through no fault of your own, your loved one has been injured and possibly taken advantage of by someone else. This is a tragic situation. The only thing worse is to let it continue.

By having a trusted and seasoned nursing home lawyer on your side, you can rest easy that your loved one’s best interests are at heart.